Tuesday, June 26, 2007


On a design note, I got these new Kuler cards in the mail today which I was really excited to see. If you haven't checked out Kuler, you NEED to. Whether you are a creative designer, a stuffy business man, or a crazed house wife, I have faith you will like this fun site. For designers, it makes our life a whole lot easier since you can download the swatch samples right into Illustrator... PERFECT!

I've been on Kuler regularly designing new color themes. One of the themes called Tech Office, actually got quite popular. How do I know it's popular? People can rate your swatch and leave comments. Recently, a representative from Kuler contacted me since they were making small little swatch cards for the highest rated and most poplar cards. These cards have the RGB, CMYK, and web safe coding for each color; plus they give the username of who created it, and a quote that creater developed for the theme. So here is mine... YAY!

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